
Stars 4 Children

This online charity auction was held on 22 February 2021, in support of the non-profit organization SAVE THE CHILDREN and its project "Rewrite the Future". The project aims to help children, and their families, affected by the dramatic socio-economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The auction involved a collaboration with the MICHELIN GUIDE and the generous participation of the 35 most famous starred chefs in Italy, who made available lunches and dinners, as well as extraordinary culinary experiences, for the benefit of children and their families.

All proceeds were donated to Save the Children's "REWRITE THE FUTURE" program to offer education, opportunities, and hope to children during difficult times caused by Covid19 in Italy."

Even before the Coronavirus, in Italy, more than 1 million children were living in conditions of absolute poverty and lacking the bare necessities to lead dignified lives. "REWRITE THE FUTURE" is an initiative working to guarantee small children with adequate educational opportunities.

We must restart following Covid focusing on children and guaranteeing their right to education. And we must commit, all of us, to not leave anyone behind.

Michelin has auctioned two fantastic memorabilia signed by all the participating Starred Chefs and presented by Marco Do, Director of Communication for Michelin Italy


Save the Children is an international organization that for 100 years has tirelessly worked to help children at risk and guarantee them a better future.

They have a global reach, being active in 117 countries around the world. They work to build solid partnerships with local communities to provide initiatives that help to improve the health, education, and safety of girls and boys.

The official press release

Il comunicato stampa ufficiale

Press Review